• Szkolenia dla gastronomii - naszą misją jest gościnność

  • How can you support your favorite restaurant in times of crisis?

    There are tough times ahead for hospitality industry. Numbers of guests are drastically dropping down and restaurants face a lot of cancellations. The good news is that you can still support your favorite restaurants in times of crisis!

    Here are some inspirations:


    💸1. Buy a voucher. You can get it as a present for your close ones so they can enjoy and experience your favorite place. 

    🏍2. Give yourself a break from cooking at home and order food to be delivered to your house. A lot of restaurants provide delivery services. There are no scientific evidences that Coronavirus is spread by food. 

    📸3. Give a shout out to your favorite place on social media. If you have any pictures of those delicious dishes that you had on your last visits simply post them on your social media and write a short recommendation. 

    ✍️4. Write a review. If you have a lot of spare time during your quarantine you can find a moment to write a five star review about your favorite places. 

    👫👫👫5. Plan your party wisely. If you are making a reservation make sure that you and your guest will attend. Restaurants have to do shopping, bring staff in etc. Any last minute cancellation is a huge loss and waste of food. If you do have to cancel do it way in advance.  


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